I had a power surge happen at my house while charging my 48 v 14ah battery it fried my bms . I called the company that makes my bike and the told me that they don’t have any in stock anymore as it’s an older model (2017 boar) it’s such a small little chip someone somewhere must still have these in stock I can’t seem to find it though any suggestion s are much appreciated thankyou !

Those look to be the power switch on a reention dorado battery pack. You can probably get one online fairly simple. If no luck, call magnum bikes, tell them what you need and tell them I sent you 👌
That looks like a buck converter, not a BMS. They convert 48 volts to 3v and/or 5v. Which is what a usb port puts out. Readily available at Aliexpress and most hobbyist electronic stores. You can leave it out if you don't care about having a usb port.