Last January, I converted a 2018 Specialized Crosstrail Disc bike that was sitting unused in the garage into a rear hub drive eBike. It worked great and I put over 1000 miles on it by the first of October this same year.
But I wanted to try a mid-drive configuration. So, I completely uninstalled the rear hub drive kit and bought a BBSHD kit from JNO. I completed the re-conversion easily and ran into no real problems. At the same time I installed the new mid-drive I upgraded a few components on the bike as well (new fork, new larger tires, etc).
One more thing... I was able to reuse the battery (13ah/48v) from the rear hub-drive kit I had on the bike previously.
So, I've started putting miles on the new eBike and wanted to post here to show off my handiwork. Everything is working great and I'm learning the differences between the two drive systems. So far, the rear hub-drive had more off the line torque and the mid-drive is faster overall. The shift cutout takes some getting used to as this wasn't an issue at all with the rear hub-drive.
I think you need a spare battery or a larger one😶
Nice clean job.