Hi everyone
I have an old trek equinox that I used to ride for triathlon training and then daily commuter to work when I lived closer to home.
I can probably get about $250 for it based on bike blue book.
I love the bike because it’s fitted to me and it’s fast, but looking at the cost of conversion I’m considering just getting a rad racer instead. I’ve never converted a bike to an ebike before and I feel like I’d run into a lot of issues since the frame is light weight and the mid bar isnt round, would have to put the battery on the tail. Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated!
hmm ok. does that not have any suspension? with tires that narrow and no susp honestly I wouldnt convert it, its gonna be a bumpy ride... the lack of quality components makes it less than ideal... could get away with a cheap conversion? idk. my 2 cents.