I just finished my ebike build thanks to the guide on Yt from Johnny.
Everyone says that you can change speed and voltage in settings. The voltage line are missing on my display, and it is locked on 40kmh. The guides do not apply on my sw102 since it is missing the funktions everyone seems to have on there's exemplars. Anyone know anything about this? Can you update it or something? I know how to enter the setting menu.
yea friend looks like you have a pretty basic display model which is fine. also i think my display 500c, shows the same 40 kmh. you can ignore that, and once u program the motor controller some of those settings are overridden. what motor are u using? if you want to set those settings as well as fine tune other settings for the motor you will want to program the controller. see my post here where i link to programming guides for BBSO2/BBSHD. any other motors I have no experience with. i recommend em3ev black profile and make sure to set your battery LVC and amperage correctly, as well as wheel size. details are in the guides. I had to reprogram the controller from stock profile because it often comes with over powered settings. hope that helps https://www.johnnynerdout.com/forum/general-ebike-forum/victory-best-performance-e-mtn-bike-best-decision-ever