So this journey is taking time as I'm trying to be careful and I'm not on a time schedule. So quick summary of where I am today: Bought Kent Trouvaille with the intent of converting to eBike with Bafang BBS02 kit. Mistakes so far: (skip to the end for question(s)) 1. Battery I bought was too large to fit into the frame. It never occurred to me and I'm not sure I could have calculated my way through the question even if I took the time to work it out in advance. That taper at the front of the battery "almost" allowed it to fit but didn't. Had to order the size below the maximum size of the "shark type" battery. Costly in terms of shipping and delay.
2. I bought a reasonably priced tool kit thinking it might be sufficient. Nearly all of the tools have been quite sufficient in fact. But for some reason the 20 spline bottom bracket tool has a champher on the outter edge making the engagement with the already shallow teeth very weak. On the non-drive side, it worked fine but on the drive side, it wouldn't budge and I started seeing little bits of metal from repeated attempts. Upon seeing this, I ordered a well-rated bottom bracket tool without champher. It was still very hard to remove but it did not slip and eventually was able to remove the hardware from the bottom bracket. (Of note, there was NO greasing on the threads within. No wonder!)
3. That brings us here: Fitting the Bafang BBS02 to the frame. While there are other things to talk about, it is clear I need bottom bracket spacers on the drive side to prevent contact between the gear part of the motor and the chain stay. So I go to Amazon to see what spacers are there. There's all manner of them and at a wide range of prices. What do people recommend. I can say that the amount of space I need is quite minimal so that one or two of the smallest would probably work but who knows... I'm thinking I will need a variety to fiddle and fit with. That's the question. What spacers should I get? The kit didn't come with any. I've heard some do but mine didn't. 4. Eventually I will need to address the chain line issue which it still seems I'm going to face with this bike. I'll wait to assess after I get this motor mounted though.
My OneNut has arrived. It's a simple but clever design.