As my subject states. I have a no display no power issue. The other day I got home from a ride and took my battery inside as usual. Later I wanted to check a display setting so I went out, plugged battery in and hit power button on both the battery and display. No display so I decided to eliminate display as a possible problem by plugging in my old display. Same problem. I put a meter on the battery and it’s showing 54 volts indicating a full charge. I’ve since then unplugged brake,shift, speed sensors etc. Same problem. I’m leaning towards controller being issue.. I haven’t pulled controller yet to see if any signs of burned connections or components. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Bafang BBSHD/Eggrider/48v 20 ah battery, NO POWER OR DISPLAY
Bafang BBSHD/Eggrider/48v 20 ah battery, NO POWER OR DISPLAY
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