I have a BBSHD 1000 watt on a Specialized Fat Boy (4000 miles and no issues) and I have a light kit which I added last summer. The headlight stopped working so I purchased another kit to replace the headlight. Long story short the connector was different so I figured I would just cut the wires and splice in the new light. The problem is that the wires were not the same color so I had to guess. I tried a few different times and in the process I think I zapped something and now I can't turn on the display. I have 2 batteries so I tried the other one in case I blew the fuse in the battery. That didn't work. I then disconnected the light assembly completely to rule that out. Is there a fuse somewhere that could have blown in the controller? Should I try replacing the display? Replace the controller? I guess I will just keep trying things until I can get the bike to work again. I was hoping someone has experienced similar and may have an idea what happened. Thank you.
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Well, I replaced the wiring harness, display and finally the controller. After replacing the controller I was able to power up the bike and the display was working again so I was really excited. However, the motor does not engage at all with the throttle or pedaling. I just went out and checked all cables again and make sure all pins are ok. Still no drive. Any ideas?
Most likely blew the display. I would start fresh with a new, known good, wiring harness as well. If that doesn’t fix it I would put money on the controller.