Built my bike a few weeks ago and have been riding just fine. Went to ride today and the display (and, therefore, the bike) won't power on. The battery LED indicator shows it's full. I plugged in the charger and tried that way and still nothing. I checked all of the connections and all are secure. Literally the only thing that's changed in the last week is we took the battery off the back rack to measure and try to figure out how we could move it to a different spot. I put it back and reconnected and now I've got this problem. My instinct if I had more components would be to try a different display, different battery, different motor/controller, but I don't have any of those and don't particularly want to have to spend like that to troubleshoot. I've held the power button for extended periods, short and quick with everything I've tried. No idea what to do next.
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Figured it out. We removed both the battery and the battery mount while working out a new mounting system. When I put them back in their spot, the battery was off from completely locked in place on the mount, so the connection between the battery and the mount wasn't there.