i have a nakto cruiser 350watt 36 volt, i have done many repairs, the pas sensor was replaced , the lcd has been replaced s861n , i bought the identicle one it came with, also the throttle has been replaced, all of these components worked after i replaced them, also i replaced the brake levers because the sensors were shot,
the current problem started on a short ride , i started loosing power then it just stopped , i suspected that the controller went out, i orderd one picture below
I have checked all my connections , over and over again
when i power on it does this-------
please help, i know/think that the icon at the top of my display is brake! i have replaced both levers, checke thier function with an ohm meter they work
i have been all over tryiong to find out what to do , one place says motor , another say controller one says cable.,i have tried everything, error 10 on the s861 manual says recieving error . thats the green wire on the 5 pin what should be the voltage reading . i need to know what is bad . im not gouing to replace the motor justb because thats the only thing thats not replaced, thats not troubleshooting , thats stupid ]\