New install with new BBS02, C965, 48v/20ah battery, 44t chainring. The bike is a 21 speed converted to 7 speed.
Tested all pedal assist settings with pedaling and with throttle, both on stand and on the street. Bike will not go beyond 20mph in any setting and any gear, even on stand. Speed sensor is installed correctly, wheel size setting in display is correct, and display shows the correct speed.
How should I start troubleshooting this? This is the default settings of the C965 display and BBS02. My expectation was that the max on highest level pedal assist would be 35mph on the smallest gear. Is this common for new installs? Could this be due to the motor and/or battery?
First conversion so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
This seems to be resolved. Password is 0512 to set speed limit on C965. I'm getting 35mph on the bike stand and about 30mph+ max speed maybe 10-15mph on hills at max throttle on a fully charged battery. For range, there was still 20% battery remaining after a 25 mile trip with a lot of hills (48v/20ah battery). Thanks.